En Imago Informática sabemos de la importancia de un buen software para nuestros clientes, por ello trabajamos con las mejores empresas de software comercial, así cómo disponemos de un departamento de programación para dar soluciones a cualquier necesidad que nos presenten nuestros clientes.

A continuación les detallamos algunas de las empresas de software con las que trabajamos.

Business Theme

JM Services

Culinary Theme

JM Services

Dental Theme

JM Services

There are additional module designs available that you can control by entering a correct suffix name as a module parameter.
Let's check them all.

1. Available module designs


Module Suffixes


2. Use the following suffixes for DJ-ImageSlider module if you want to get the following view for slides. Otherwise a module will use the default css styles.


Suffix name: slider1-ms


DJ-ImageSlider Suffixes


Suffix name: testimonials-ms


DJ-ImageSlider Suffixes

Suffix name: testimonials-ms alternative-ms


DJ-ImageSlider Suffixes


404 OOPS!

Page not found!

"Sorry, it appears the page you were looking for does not exist anymore or might have been moved.
Please try your luck again."

Take me home


This is a Joomla! article displayed as custom 404 page.

How to modify this page?
Step 1: Go to Content -> Article Manager.
Step 2: Find and edit the "Error 404" article.

How is the search module displayed?
It is displayed using the "Content - Load Modules" plugin. It allows to display a module in a Joomla article.
The module is published on the following position: error404-search

How to display a different article as custom 404 page?
If you want to display other article, you need to change the article ID in the following location: /templates/jm-services/error.php

JM Services Joomla template uses fully responsive layout that adjusts to various screens: desktops, tablets or mobiles.
The template uses default width values specified at the template configuration.

Offline Page


There is a possibility to disable access to the front of your site.

How to enable the offline page?
Step 1: Go to "System -> Global Configuration -> Site".
Step 2: Click on "Yes" for "Site Offline" option.
Step 3: Fill in a text for "Offline Message" to give your visitors some explanation about why your website is unavailable.
Step 4: Click on "Save" to save your settings.

How to customize the offline page?
You need to edit the following file: /templates/jm-services/offline.php


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris in augue mollis, semper est ac, aliquet turpis. Vestibulum ut dapibus dolor. Vestibulum commodo, ligula non iaculis tristique, erat sem luctus sapien, sed auctor felis nisi sed mauris.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris in augue mollis, semper est ac, aliquet turpis. Vestibulum ut dapibus dolor. Vestibulum commodo, ligula non iaculis tristique, erat sem luctus sapien, sed auctor felis nisi sed mauris.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris in augue mollis, semper est ac, aliquet turpis. Vestibulum ut dapibus dolor. Vestibulum commodo, ligula non iaculis tristique, erat sem luctus sapien, sed auctor felis nisi sed mauris.


Logo Partener Eurowin

Con Sage Eurowin dispones de todo lo que necesitas para gestionar las diferentes áreas de tu empresa




Logo BDP


Software para terminales táctiles y hostelería


  • Hostelería
  • Servicio a domicilio
  • Pubs y discotecas
  • Comercio y gestión
  • Panaderías y pastelerías
  • Peluquerías y estética
  • Tallas y colores
  • BDP-Cash



Logo Doscar


Software de gestión comercial y TPV


  • TPV Comercios
  • Bar / Restaurante
  • Taller
  • Gestión
  • Peluquería
  • Carpintería
  • Cristalería
  • Servicio Técnico
  • PYME





La gestión de las grandes empresas al alcance de las PYMEs



  • Bar y Restaurante
  • Pub y Discoteca
  • Panadería y Pastelería
  • Peluquería y Estética
  • Comercio y Supermercado
  • Kioscos
  • Tallas y colores
  • Gestión
  • Ingresos y gastos
  • Gestión Taller
  • Taller Mecánico